The main goal of this project is to control the traffic density at the junction by IR sensor that detects the traffic density at the junction and changes the signal timings automatically by IR interruption method.
Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed-time concept allotted to each side of the junction, which cannot be varied as per varying-traffic density. Junction timings allotted are fixed. Sometimes higher-traffic density at one side of the junction demands longer green time as compared to the standard allotted time. The proposed system using a microcontroller of the 8051 family duly interfaced with sensors changes the junction timing automatically to accommodate movement of vehicles smoothly avoiding unnecessary waiting time at the junction. The sensors used in this project are IR and photodiodes which are in line of sight configuration across the road to detect the density at the traffic signal while interrupted. The density of the vehicles is measured in three zones: low, medium, high based on which timings are allotted accordingly.
Furthermore, in future the project can be enhanced by synchronizing all the traffic junctions in the city by establishing a network among them. The network can be wired or wireless. This synchronization will greatly help in reducing traffic congestion.
Traffic density sensed signal light system this project for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good BE final year and Diploma projects. This project electronics departments and electronic in final year electronics students is use. This project is microcontroller based and sensor based project for the last year engineering project for the electronics, department students is use.
Obstacle avoidance robot is the project for the sensor based for the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student is use for the core electronics student is use. This project for the competitive project in the BE last year engineering student for electronics student in last year engineering student in the use .
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronicsstudent’s final year for the golden opportunity.
Traffic density sensed signal light system it is the best projects for the electronics, final year student is use and idea for the electronics degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- Control the traffic density at junction
- IR sensors are detect the density
- Junction time changes automaticaly depend on density
- Density is measured on three zones

- 8051 micro controller
- IR Sensor
- LED’s
- Transformer
- keil
- Eagle
Ankush Shinde –
Rita more –
kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it
Prerak patel –
The phrase was used in a 1958 The New York Times story advocating “atomic energy” for Europe: “… Western Europe, with its dense population and its high technology ….”[2]Robert Metz used the term in a financial column in 1969: “Arthur H. Collins of Collins Radio] controls a score of high technology patents in variety of fields.”[3] and in a 1971 article used the abbreviated form, “high tech.”[4]