The main concept of this project is to achieve a desired output in modern automobiles by connecting multiple microcontrollers in a network.
Nowadays, many microcontrollers are embedded in various kinds of electronic products from industrial environment to domestic sector. In automobile sector, cars or other vehicles have number of microcontrollers integrated within the system. The networking of microcontrollers is necessary for establishing communication between them.
This proposed system uses three microcontrollers of the 8051 family and a rectified-power supply. In this system, the matrix keypad is interfaced to the first microcontroller for input action, while the second one is connected to an output of 16*2 LCD display, and the third one is connected to the load through a relay driver. A buzzer connected to the third microcontroller is used to alert the user in the event of any deviation.
The first microcontroller takes the input as a password from the matrix keypad, and sends it to the second microcontroller to display it on the LCD, while the third one executes the output only if the password matches with the entered password. If the entered password is wrong, then it generates a buzzer sound.
This task could have been performed by a single microcontroller but the project uses multiple microcontrollers to explain the concept of networking. It is practically too inconvineint for a individual microcontrollers to handle input action, display & output, while they are located quite a distance apart say in automobile applications or factory level use.
This project in future can be enhanced by using wireless communication among other controllers by avoiding costly cabling for a factory level networking.
Multiple microcontrollers in lan like set up for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good BE final year and Diploma projects. This project electronics departments and electrical students in final year students is use. This project is embedded, microcontroller based project for the last year engineering project for the electronics department students is use.
Multiple microcontrollers lan like set up project for the microcontroller basedfor the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student is use for the core electronics student is use and electrical and electronics students is use .This project for the competitive project in the BE last year engineering student for electronicsstudent electrical in last year engineering student in the use.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronicsstudents and electrical final year and for the golden opportunity.
Multiple microcontrollers lan like set up it is the best projects for the electronics, final year student is use and idea for the electronics and electrical degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- Multiple Microcontroller is used
- In automobile sector networking of microcontroller is establishing communication between them
- Keypad is interfaced to microcontroller for input action
- Virtual lan (vlan) switches play an important role, to further improve network performance

- Microcontrollers
- LCD Display
- Keypad
- Relay
- Load
- Transformer
- rectifier
- regulator
- buzzer
- Keil
- Eagle
- proteus
Sahil –
The project is very nice and best .
Munish Sethi –
Ashwat Karadigodd –
Got the best Electronics project based on Robotics. They provided a customised fire fighting robot as per my team requirement.