Showing 113–128 of 183 results
Power Status Indication Over GSM
₹9,500.00₹7,000.00In this project, an automatic reclose circuit breaker for low voltage usage is designed. The product description is the Auto Reclose Circuit Breaker (ARCB) will trip if the current sensor detects high current which exceeds the rated current for the miniature circuit breaker (MCB) used. Then the fault condition will be cleared automatically and return the power line to normal condition.
Prepaid Energy Meter
₹15,000.00₹14,000.00The concept of electronic energy meters has been introduced in the power sector to effectively record the units consumed for billing purposes and also monitor several other factors to reduce power theft and minimize losses that occur due to conventional electromechanical energy meters. This is a multipurpose project that integrates all the functions including a prepaid billing arrangement and automatic message sending system to the utility company. It may please be noted that it is truly not ausable commercial product engaging actual prepaid card but uses a set of switches for understanding the technology implemented behind it. This project uses an Arduino to which a GSM modem is interfaced. From here the message is sent to the phone number that is auto-saved by giving a missed call to the SIM number present in the GSM modem. There are a set of pushbuttons, which are used to load,any recharge amount required. Such arrangement is in lieu of an actual prepaid card for demo purposes. By pushing those buttons one can easily recharge the amount. As soon as the Arduino receives any recharge amount, a switch is set, to deliver power to the load. Thereafter consumption of the load power is calculated by the energy meter, which is interfaced to the Arduino through an Optical Isolator IC. The Arduino program then starts to deduct the recharge amount as per the consumption of load power. Once the recharge amount reaches zero then the Arduino cuts the power supply to the load through a relay driven duly by an NPN transistor and also sends a message to the phone number stored that contains all the billing information. Then again the balance is not available then go to the message in the gsm no available in balance
₹8,500.00₹6,800.00The main objective of this project is to provide priority-wise power supply to a load, by selecting the supply source from any available one out of 4 such as mains, generator, inverter, and solar in the absence of power supply. The demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent power cut is causing many problems in various areas like industries, hospitals, and houses. An alternative arrangement for a power source is thus desirable.
₹8,300.00₹5,500.00The main objective of this project is to provide priority wise power supply to a load, by selecting the supply source from any available one out of 4 such as: mains, generator, inverter and solar in the absence of power supply. The demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent power cut is causing many problems in various areas like industries, hospitals and houses. An alternative arrangement for power source is thus desirable.
Railway Track Crack Detection
₹12,200.00₹11,200.00India has the world’s fourth largest railway networks, which carry out most of the commercial transport in India. The train transportation increased due to high speed, economical, environment friendly, safety and modern characteristics of railway system. Major problem with this transportation is the bad weather condition, which cause flaws and cracks leads to the damage of railway tracks.
₹13,000.00₹11,600.00The purpose of this Smart ration distribution system is to avoid the wastage of huge amount of money as in conventional ration distribution system. RFID tag used as an e-ration card instead of conventional ration card. Theft of ration prevented. Only authorized person has access to ration.
₹7,300.00₹6,200.00This paper presents low-cost and flexible pump automation using the Arduino system. It employs an embedded micro web server in Arduino mega 328p microcontroller, with connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances automatically. To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this system, devices such as pump, Arduino, float sensor, solenoid valve, tank, wires, motor, have been integrated with the proposed pump control system
₹13,500.00₹12,200.00This project is about bag tracking in a public places like airports, railways stations etc. In case if you have lost your bag. So this project can help you keep tracking of your bag and offer peace of mind. In this project GSM, GPS, BLUETOOTH, ARDUINO, LCD are used.
₹9,800.00₹8,800.00As people are getting smarter so are the things. While the thought comes up for Smart cities there is a requirement for Smart waste management. The idea of Smart Dustbin is for the Smart buildings, Colleges, Hospitals and Bus stands. The Smart Dustbin thus thought is an improvement of normal dustbin by elevating it to be smart using sensors and logics. Smart dustbins is a new idea of implementation which makes a normal dustbin smart using ultrasonic sensors for garbage level detection and sending message to the user updating .
₹8,800.00₹7,800.00In our country around 2.78% of peoples are not able to speak. Their communications with others are only using the action of their hands and expressions. Mute people can’t speak and normal people don’t know the sign language which is used for intercommunication between mute people. We proposed a new technique called “SMART GLOVES FOR DUMB PERSON”. It will be very helpful to them for conveying their thoughts to others. Some peoples are easily able to get the information from their actions. The remaining is not able to understand their way of conveying the message. In order to overcome the problems of dumb people we are come with “SMART GLOVES FOR DUMB PERSON”.
₹13,000.00₹12,000.00Energy is a very important aspect of any household, industry, agriculture and so. Managing energy efficiency and conserving it intelligently for appliances is very much important. The energy usage is directly affected by Coal, oil, and so on power generation. Towards this, there has been a lot of research work carried out in developing some smart lighting systems pertaining to classrooms for conserving energy. In one another research, researchers have developed an Android-based Smart home system for monitoring the usage of power to avoid any kind of anomaly. In none of the research, researchers work towards automating the appliance control towards conserving the energy. Most of them concentrate on controlling the appliances using android devices. So with the upcoming of machine to machine communication where devices can be connected wirelessly leading to IoT, we here have developed an IoT based Smart Energy Management system where appliances like Fan and Bulb to start with are controlled wirelessly based on humidity and light intensity information. These inputs are used towards controlling the appliances intelligently rather than just switching them on or off. In addition, the system also keeps computing throughput the day power consumption of the appliances which gives the user knowledge of power being consumed over a period of time. These details are updated in the Cloud server. This prototype system developed has achieved energy conservation in every household
With the prevalence of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart meters have become one of the main components of smart city strategies. Smart energy meters generate large amounts of fine-grained data that are used to provide useful information to consumers and utility companies for decision-making. Nowadays, smart energy meter analytics systems consist of analytical algorithms that process massive amounts of data. These analytics algorithms require ample amounts of realistic data for testing and verification purposes. These energy meters will read the energy consumed and upload the data over the IoT page. Thus the data is stored over the web page permanently. Then add the theft as it is in a load then on the buzzer