4.40 out of 5
Night patrolling robot for women safety
₹13,800.00 ₹12,800.00Women\’s safety has become a major concern in all parts of the world as a result of growing violence against them. They have become accustomed to being physically or mentally mistreated. Harassment at work and in public places is causing individuals to abandon their passions and goals.
0 out of 5
₹7,500.00 ₹5,000.00The project is designed to control home circuit by using a personal computer (PC) for the safety of old persons, handicapped, who is most busy and some where human can’t reach easily.
5.00 out of 5
RF wireless controlled ROBOT
₹4,400.00 ₹3,400.00The project is designed to control the ROBOT by using a RF technology for remote operation using an transmitter and receiver. The speed of the DC motor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals. Hence, if the voltage across motor terminal is varied, then the speed can also be varied.
4.33 out of 5
Security System Using PIR and GSM Module
₹9,000.00 ₹7,200.00The main objective of the project is to develop a home security. Today it is very needful to secure the all banking departments. Also it will reduce the employer works and saves man power to operate the entire house monitoring.