Core Electronics Projects

Showing 33–48 of 149 results

  • 4.60 out of 5

    Dc Motor Rotation In The Clock Wise And Anti Clock Wise Direction Using Rf Remote

    3,400.00 2,400.00

    DC Motors are commonly used in electronics and electrical projects. It may be a line-following robot, a remote-controlled car, electronic shutters and doors, digital locks, drones, and choppers, etc; the DC motors are used in a variety of applications. This project is a simple demonstration of remote controlling a DC motor by switching it on or off and changing the direction of its rotation clockwise or anticlockwise

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  • 4.50 out of 5

    DeMorgan’s Theorems

    1,200.00 700.00

    A mathematician named DeMorgan developed a pair of important rules regarding group complementation in Boolean algebra. By group complementation, I’m referring to the complement of a group of terms, represented by a long bar over more than one variable.

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  • 4.60 out of 5


    7,800.00 6,400.00

    The project is designed to develop an islanding arrangement for grid on sensing bad voltage/ bad frequency. There are several power generation units connected to the grid such as hydro, thermal, solar, wind etc. to supply power to the load. In modern power system, electrical energy from the generating station is delivered to the ultimate consumers through a huge network of transmission and distribution. These generating units need to supply power according to the rules of the grid. Thus, for satisfactory operation of loads, it is desirable that consumers are supplied with substantially constant voltage and frequency.

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  • 5.00 out of 5

    Driver Safety System Using Sensors Like Eye Blink, Alcohol, Temperature, Smoke, Accident Prevention, Using Arduino

    9,500.00 8,900.00

    This aims to create a framework to keep the car safe and secure through critical activity. When we run in ignorance we cannot take care of our own. If we make all vehicles with an automatic safety system that gives the driver a high level of protection, an alarm will also be issued. The device has an installed eye blink sensor. Once the driver has started the engine, the sensors automatically detect the blink of an eye. On this device, the output of the sensor is provided for comparison with ARDUINO. When the value reaches the set level, the buzzer automatically vibrates, the LED glows, and the car stops automatically when the eye blink sensor receives a signal from the transmission module.

    Nowadays There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to the drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. Driver in-alertness is an important cause of most accidents related to vehicle crashes. Driver fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation or sleep disorders is an important factor in the increasing number of accidents on today’s roads. A drowsy driver warning system can form the basis of the system to possibly reduce the accidents related to driver drowsiness. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. To prevent this, we outlined a very simple and economical system that deals with this issue. In this project, when a driver falls asleep, an alarm is raised to warn the driver attached to the rear of the vehicle. The alarm continues for a minimum of 10 seconds so that the driver wakes and gets ready to steady the vehicle he drives. Thus we can control major accidents.

    There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. Temperature sensors and smoke sensors are used for further safety systems in the vehicle.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    10,800.00 9,000.00

    In this processed system, we are monitoring the earthquake, if any vibration/ tilt of the earth’s surface takes place; the system will alert us and send the data over IOT page. So to avoid the life loss and economic loss we are developing this device.

    In this project we are using Arduino board i.e. the heart of project, 2-vibrator sensor, 2-accelerometer, LCD display. An accelerometer is an electromechanical device used to measure acceleration forces and also for sensing vibrations in systems or for orientation applications. So when some orientation according to x-axis, y-axis or z-axis happens to the earth’s surface then it will display a message on LCD that there is Earthquake. And also sends data on IOT page through Wi-Fi module.

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  • 4.40 out of 5

    Ev Charging Station over iot electric vechicle Charging Station over iot

    10,500.00 9,500.00

    As we are aware about the mass adoption of EVs on the horizon, the smart electric vehicle charging will become essential for both the charging point network operators, and the National electricity grid. EVs are becoming popular across the globe. As the number of EVs increases, EV charging infrastructure will also be a basic need. This work is to make a smart application to know the different tariff rates of the grid by connecting to the grid.

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  • 4.50 out of 5

    Finger Print Based Voting Machine

    10,000.00 9,200.00

    Fingerprint Voting System was implemented with the Arduino technology. In this System a voter can poll his vote easily. In this database server all voters’ information was stored to register in this system, the voter should fill a registration form with the help of a user id and password. This information will be checked by the database server.

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  • 4.67 out of 5


    9,800.00 8,900.00
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  • 4.67 out of 5


    9,000.00 7,800.00

    Fire disaster is a common threat to lives and property. An automatic fire extinguishing strategy provides real-time monitoring, exploration, and programmed fire alarm. This projects presents the design of a low-cost, robust and secure fire protection system for buildings.

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  • 4.60 out of 5


    7,500.00 7,400.00

    In this project, we are varying the speed of the DC motor (BLDC motor) by GSM sim 800 for transmitting the message for variation of speed (increasing or decreasing) using the Arduino Uno microcontroller using embedded C-programming. In various industries, the DC motor is found very common as its properties are very found in industrial applications such as high efficiency, high torque ratio, is hard to operate in industries as it requires high maintenance that’s why we are using gsm sim to vary its speed as it’s very profitable and we can operate from long distance.

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  • 4.53 out of 5

    Four Quadrant DC Motor Controls without Microcontroller

    6,100.00 4,300.00

    The main intention of this project is to control the speed of a DC motor in alternative directions using speed control unit and to operate the motor in four quadrants: ie, clockwise, counter clock-wise, forward brake and reverse brake

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  • 4.80 out of 5

    Four Quadrant Operation Or Speed Control Of DC Motor IN Both Direction Using Microcontroller And Android

    7,800.00 6,400.00

    The project is designed to develop four-quadrant-speed-control system for a DC motor with PWM. The motor is operated in four quadrants ie, clockwise; counter clock-wise, forward brake and reverse brake. Four-quadrant operation of a DC motor is best suited for industries wherein motors are used as per the requirement.

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  • 4.67 out of 5


    17,800.00 14,000.00

    Army is one of the most important aspects of any country. It is our duty to equip soldier with better advanced technology. In this proposed system, we are monitoring the soldier’s health parameters such as heart beat rate and body temperature continuously measured and transmitted wirelessly to the control room using GSM and also the exact location through GPS.
    Here we are using voltage regulator circuit for power supply, Blood pressure & heartbeat sensor, MQ-7 sensor, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, GSM, GPS, buzzer and LCD display these are also the hardware parts of this projects. By using temperature sensor we can monitor the soldier’s body temperature. If smoke is detected due to fire air it is detected by using MQ-7 sensor. With the help of heartbeat & blood pressure sensor we can read the heartbeat & B.P respectively.

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  • 4.80 out of 5


    3,500.00 1,750.00

    The project is designed to develop an half adder system that An adder is a digital logic circuit in electronics that implements addition of numbers. In many computers and other types of processors, adders are used to calculate addresses, Adders are classified into two types: half adder and full adder. The half adder circuit has two inputs: A and B, which add two input digits and generate a carry and sum.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    8,500.00 6,000.00

    In this proposed system, we are monitoring the patient’s heartbeat by using arduino board & heartbeat sensors. A technological innovation in the field of medical science has played a vital role in disease prevention and diagnostic. Heartbeat is an important health parameter that is related to the human cardiovascular system.

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