Showing 81–96 of 149 results
₹8,500.00₹6,800.00The main objective of this project is to provide priority-wise power supply to a load, by selecting the supply source from any available one out of 4 such as mains, generator, inverter, and solar in the absence of power supply. The demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent power cut is causing many problems in various areas like industries, hospitals, and houses. An alternative arrangement for a power source is thus desirable.
Railway Track Crack Detection
₹12,200.00₹11,200.00India has the world’s fourth largest railway networks, which carry out most of the commercial transport in India. The train transportation increased due to high speed, economical, environment friendly, safety and modern characteristics of railway system. Major problem with this transportation is the bad weather condition, which cause flaws and cracks leads to the damage of railway tracks.
Rf Remote Controal Home Appliances
₹4,800.00₹3,800.00This work presented here is to controlled independent home electrical appliances through RF based remotesystem. From any place without any line of sight around the house, RF based wireless remote control system can change the state of the electrical appliances either in on state or off state. The controlling circuit is built around RF transmitter and RF Receiver modules and decoder IC HT12D with few passive components.
₹13,000.00₹11,600.00The purpose of this Smart ration distribution system is to avoid the wastage of huge amount of money as in conventional ration distribution system. RFID tag used as an e-ration card instead of conventional ration card. Theft of ration prevented. Only authorized person has access to ration.
₹7,300.00₹6,200.00This paper presents low-cost and flexible pump automation using the Arduino system. It employs an embedded micro web server in Arduino mega 328p microcontroller, with connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances automatically. To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this system, devices such as pump, Arduino, float sensor, solenoid valve, tank, wires, motor, have been integrated with the proposed pump control system
₹7,300.00₹5,600.00With the increasing world population, the need for health prevention is also increasing. In these recent years, there is a rapid advancement in clinical care due to the technological advancements in the various fields of sensors and micro-controllers for assuring fast recovery of patients in the hospitals. The major and crucial necessity of the hospitalized patients is that each patient to be provided with a better treatment and observation and to be provided the right measure of vital nutrition at the right time. Saline solution is used for the covid patients to reduce the inflammation in different parts of the body such as lungs, heart, kidney and skin.
₹12,600.00₹11,600.00Etching is a “subtractive” method used for the production of printed circuit boards: ferric chloride acid is used to remove unwanted copper from a prefabricated laminate. The main objective of this project is, you can etch a PCB by yourself, in a lab or even at home, through a simple and inexpensive production process. This project is made up of with arduino UNO, LCD display, voltage regulator circuit, relay and dc motor. To produce a single or a very small number of boards and want to avoid manufacturing costs.
₹9,800.00₹8,800.00As people are getting smarter so are the things. While the thought comes up for Smart cities there is a requirement for Smart waste management. The idea of Smart Dustbin is for the Smart buildings, Colleges, Hospitals and Bus stands. The Smart Dustbin thus thought is an improvement of normal dustbin by elevating it to be smart using sensors and logics. Smart dustbins is a new idea of implementation which makes a normal dustbin smart using ultrasonic sensors for garbage level detection and sending message to the user updating .
₹8,800.00₹7,800.00In our country around 2.78% of peoples are not able to speak. Their communications with others are only using the action of their hands and expressions. Mute people can’t speak and normal people don’t know the sign language which is used for intercommunication between mute people. We proposed a new technique called “SMART GLOVES FOR DUMB PERSON”. It will be very helpful to them for conveying their thoughts to others. Some peoples are easily able to get the information from their actions. The remaining is not able to understand their way of conveying the message. In order to overcome the problems of dumb people we are come with “SMART GLOVES FOR DUMB PERSON”.