Speed Control Of Induction Motor Using Firing Angle Control

Core Electronics Projects

Showing 113–128 of 148 results

  • 4.33 out of 5

    Speed Control Of Induction Motor Using Firing Angle Control

    7,500.00 5,900.00

    The main object of this project is to develop speed control of two induction motor using firing angle control system which is helpful to control the speed of an induction motor using microcontroller

    In this project, the zero-crossing point of the voltage waveform is detected by a comparator whose output is then fed to the microcontroller. Then, it provides the required delayed triggering pulses to a pair of TRIAC through an opto-isolator connected to this circuit. Finally, power is applied to the load through the TRIAC. Four push-button switches are interfaced to the controller for increasing and decreasing the AC power to the load. In this project, a lamp is used in the place of induction motor demonstration purposes. The motor speed variation depends on the power reduction.

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  • 4.67 out of 5


    10,500.00 8,600.00

    This project attempts a new speed control technique for the single-phase a.c.   induction motor. It presents a design of a low-cost; high-efficiency drive capable of supplying a single-phase a.c.   induction motor with a PWM modulated sinusoidal voltage. The circuit operation is controlled by an 8051 family microcontroller. The device is aimed at substituting the commonly used triac phase angle control drives. The circuit is capable of supplying a single-phase a.c. induction motor (or general a.c. inductive/resistive load) with varying a.c. voltage. The same as in triac control, the voltage applied to the load can be varied from zero to maximum value. On the other hand, it uses a pulse width modulation technique (PWM), and when compared with the phase angle control used for triacs, produces much lower high order harmonics.

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  • 5.00 out of 5

    Stepper Motor Speed Control Using GSM & Arduino

    9,500.00 6,900.00

    Our proposed project allows user to control the speed and direction of a stepper motor remotely from anywhere. The system works by receiving stepper motor control instructions from user through an SMS message.

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  • 4.57 out of 5


    10,500.00 8,800.00

    The purpose of this project is to acquire the remote electrical parameters like voltage, current and frequency and send these real time values over network along with temperature at power station. This project is also designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating a relay.

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  • 4.57 out of 5


    9,400.00 8,400.00
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  • 5.00 out of 5


    9,500.00 7,400.00

    This project employs sun tracking solar panel to track the maximum rays by using servo motor. This is better compared to the light-sensing method that may not be accurate always – for example, during cloudy days. With the impending scarcity of non-renewable resources, people are considering to use alternate sources of energy. Barring all the other available resources, the solar energy is the most abundant and it is comparatively easy to convert into electrical energy. The usage of solar panel to convert Sun energy into electrical energy is very popular, but due to the transition of sun from east to west, the fixed solar panel may not be able to generate optimum energy. The proposed system solves this problem by an arrangement for the solar panel to track the maximum Sun rays.

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  • 4.00 out of 5


    7,600.00 5,800.00

    This project employs sun tracking solar panel to track the maximum rays using ldr’s. This is better compared to the light-sensing method that may not be accurate always – for example, during cloudy days. With the impending scarcity of non-renewable resources, people are considering to use alternate sources of energy. Barring all the other available resources, the solar energy is the most abundant and it is comparatively easy to convert into electrical energy. The usage of solar panel to convert Sun energy into electrical energy is very popular, but due to the transition of sun from east to west, the fixed solar panel may not be able to generate optimum energy. The proposed system solves this problem by an arrangement for the solar panel to track the maximum Sun rays.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    6,300.00 3,600.00

    The project is designed to shut down a power supply when it is overloaded by using a super-fast electronic circuit breaker. The concept of electronic circuit breaker came into focus realizing that the conventional circuit breakers such as MCBs take longer time to trip. Therefore, for sensitive loads, it is very important to activate a tripping mechanism at the shortest possible time, preferably instantaneously.

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  • 4.20 out of 5

    Supply Selection Using Arduino

    13,300.00 12,200.00

    Inverters are widely used in the domestic as well as industrial environments to serve as the second line of source in case of power cut from the electricity utility grids. However, due to the low capacity of the battery, the inverter dies out with the use of heavy load appliances.

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  • 4.67 out of 5


    12,500.00 11,400.00

    The goal of this project is to develop a synchronized traffic signal system which can be used to synchronize the traffic signals at the junctions in the metropolitan cities wherein the green signal given at one traffic junction ismaintained at consecutive junctions through a serial communication.Vehiclesgetting the green signal at one junction move through the subsequent junctions as the green signals aremaintained throughout different junctions.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    6,800.00 5,700.00

    The main objective of this project is to avoid physical contact between the motor shaft and tachometer by using a non-contact tachometer in order to make it convinient, while measuring the speed of aBLDC motor.Also using standard contact type tachometer may not feasible in some applications.

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  • 0 out of 5


    6,400.00 5,400.00
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  • 4.40 out of 5


    6,500.00 5,200.00

    The third eye for the blind is advancement with the assistance of the multidiscipline subjects like software engineering, hardware designing which encourages the visually impaired individuals to explore with speed and certainty by recognizing the object and person close- by deterrents utilizing the assistance of ultrasonic waves and inform them with a beep sound and audio assistance.  The influenced ones have been utilizing the convention

    white stick for a long time which in spite of the fact that being powerful,  still has a  considerable measure of weakness.  These will be wearable innovations for the


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  • 4.60 out of 5


    10,800.00 9,800.00

    The Electric Power System is divided into many different sections. One of which is the transmission system, where power is transmitted from generating stations and substations via transmission lines into consumers. Both methods could encounter various types of malfunctions is usually referred to as a “Fault”. Fault is simply defined as a number of undesirable but unavoidable incidents can temporarily disturb the stable condition of the power system that occurs when the insulation of the system fails at any point. Moreover, if a conducting object comes in contact with a bare power conductor, a short circuit, or fault, is said to have occurred.

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  • 4.67 out of 5

    Three Phase Transmission Line Fault Detection Over IOT

    12,700.00 11,700.00

    The IOT base Transmission fault detection system can detect the fault when the line breaks down and it also shuts down the power supply through the faulty line until the operator shuts down the entire line once he confirms the fault. The system monitors the line fault in sequence for 3 lines namely R, Y, B Phases. Once if fault is detected the system sends the notification to the line monitoring station, it also provides the information about the faulty line and the distance at which the line is broken. The system is also capable of sending the line voltage to the monitoring station


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  • 4.40 out of 5

    Three Phase Transmission Line Fault Detection Over IOT Using ESP32

    12,700.00 11,700.00

    If we look at the present Transmission line fault detection system, there are several problems, few of which include lack of skilled labour, increased risks and also time consuming process. Automating a process is known to solve many or all of such problems faced in the conventional processes. This is one such attempt to create an easy and cost-effective solution which is applicable in the upcoming power transmission systems for Electricity providers and operators at various stages or stations.

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