Battery Operated Power Weeder Machine
$240.40$216.36In this project we have T shaped chassis on the limb of “T” We have mounted driving wheel of 30 cm dia. Driven by appropriate sprocket mounted on shaft between bearing blocks. On T driving motor is mounted and it is connected through chain. Three teeth plough is fabricated and attached to main frame. Plough has given adjustment facility so that depth of ploughing can be controlled. At rear end two support wheels are mounted. Motor is connected to battery through speed controller circuit and speed is controlled by throttle handle given in the form of cart handle.
Battery Operated Tiller Machine
$228.38$216.36In this project we have implemented automation in agricultural tilling process. Tilling process includes removing unwanted weeds from farm and also sand needs to be perforated so that atmospheric air flows through sand. Here we have designed a single wheel cart that is driven by motor with battery. This cart pulls tiller tool as directed by operator.
$120.20$100.97For sorting object in industry optical sorting is very much convenient. Colour and size are the most important features for accurate classification and sorting of product which can be done by using some optical sensors. The colour sorting machine is mainly a device that can sense the different colour of the object and assert them into their respective location.
Colour Based Sorting System Using Conveyer Belt
$195.93$168.28Sorting of products is a very difficult industrial process. Continuous manual sorting creates consistency issues. a working prototype designed for automatic sorting of objects based on the color. TCS230 sensor was used to detect the color of the product and the Arduino microcontroller was used to control the overall process. The identification of the color is based on the frequency analysis of the output of TCS230 sensor. conveyor belts were used, each controlled by separate DC motors. The belt is for placing the product to be analyzed by the color sensor, belt is for moving the container, having separated the all colours in the convey belt in order to separate the products. The experimental results promise that the prototype will fulfill the needs for higher production and precise quality in the field of automation.
$156.26$120.20Objective of this project is to develop structure where parts manufactured in manufacturing plant are segregated based on the height without using electronics structure.
$197.13$185.11The aim of this project is to give an innovative concept tohandle the bore well rescue operations. Nowadays child oftenfalls down in the borehole which is left uncovered and getstrapped. It is difficult and also risky to rescue the trappedchildren to aid in such rescue we proposed a system ofdesigning robots to the rescue of a child in a borehole.
The structure consists of power supply, switch pad, gear motors, concentrator, camera and Microcontroller.The condition of trapped child is captured with CCTV camera
and monitored on a TV
Magnetic & Non-magnetic Segregation Machine
$144.24$120.20In manufacturing & assembly industry daily we encounter multiple problems of mixed products.