Transformer Health Monitoring Using Arduino

Sensor Based Projects

Showing 161–175 of 175 results

  • 4.67 out of 5

    Transformer Health Monitoring Using Arduino

    10,500.00 7,200.00

    Transformers are a vital part of the transmission and distribution system. Monitoring transformers for problems before they occur can prevent faults that are costly to repair and result in a loss of service. The performance of prototype model developed is tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like transformer Over voltage and Under Voltage, Over current and Under current, Over temperature etc.

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  • 5.00 out of 5

    Transformer Health Monitoring Using Arduino and GSM

    9,800.00 7,400.00

    This project is about design and implementation of a mobile embedded system to monitor and record key parameters of a distribution transformer like load currents, Voltage and ambient temperature. The idea of on-line monitoring system integrates a Global Service Mobile (GSM) Modem, with a standalone Arduino and different sensors. The obtained parameters are processed and recorded in the system memory.

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  • 5.00 out of 5

    Transformer Health Monitoring Using GSM

    10,500.00 6,800.00

    Transformers are a vital part of the transmission and distribution system. Monitoring transformers for problems before they occur can prevent faults that are costly to repair and result in a loss of service. Current systems can provide information about the state of a transformer, but are either offline or very expensive to implement. This project objective is to develop low cost solution for monitoring health condition of remotely located distribution transformers using GSM technology to preent premature failure of distribution transformers and improving reliability of services to the customers. An Embedded based hardware design is developed to acquire data from electrical sensing system. It consists of a sensing system, signal conditioning electronic circuits, advanced embedded hardware for middle level computing, a powerful computer network for further transmission of data to various places.

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  • 5.00 out of 5


    13,000.00 11,800.00

    This presents a new Lora communication framework for condition monitoring and controlling of larger number of distribution transformers as they are one of the influential and important equipment in the power distribution network. Great numbers of distribution transformers are required to distribute power over a wide area. That being the case, it is essential to keep an eye on its condition for satisfactory operation of any distribution network. This paper presents a method of implementing Lora (Long-range) technology for monitoring and diagnosing the condition of distribution transformers using specified sensors/devices.

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  • 4.00 out of 5


    9,500.00 8,500.00
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  • 4.00 out of 5


    8,500.00 7,200.00

    The constantly growing transport sector has resulted in an increase in accidents every day. The accident mainly occurs due to our carelessness and breaking of traffic rules.

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  • 5.00 out of 5


    6,500.00 5,800.00

    This report details the implementation of liquid level measurement system using ultrasonic waves. As the human ear audible range is in between 20 Hz to 20 kHz, it is insensitive to ultrasonic waves that falls beyond that range, and hence, the ultrasound waves can be used for applications in industries or vehicles without hindering human activity. They are widely used as range meters and proximity detectors in industries and also in the parking assistance systems.

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  • 4.40 out of 5


    9,400.00 8,400.00
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  • 4.70 out of 5


    15,300.00 13,800.00

    Vehicle security is an important issue these days due to the rising number of vehicle thefts. Here we propose a solution to this problem by using VEHICLE ANTI-THEFT SECURITY SYSTEM USING BIOMETRICS. The system provides a secure and hassle free way to start vehicle engine. In the 21st century, the uses of biometric based systems have seen an exponential growth. Biometrics is becoming a new state of the art method for security systems.

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  • 4.50 out of 5

    VIP Street Light And Controlling Monitoring Over IOT

    11,200.00 9,400.00


    This project involves the design and construction of street light control and monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT). This includes the use of a PIC Microcontroller 16F77A, ESP 32 Wi-Fi module, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) Infrared sensors, .cloud platform and a mobile application.

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  • 4.25 out of 5

    Water Flow Measurement System using Arduino

    6,000.00 4,800.00

    The project is designed to develop an automatic water flow measurement system that displays flow rate. use of proper method of measurement is important. The advantage of using this method is to reduce human intervention.

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  • 4.67 out of 5

    Water level motor controller using Timer 555 IC

    8,400.00 7,400.00

    A simple but very reliable and effective water level controller circuit diagram is shown here. The circuit uses 6 transistors, 1 NE555 timer IC, a relay and few passive components. The circuit is completely automatic which starts the pump motor when the water level in the over head tank goes below a preset level and switches OFF the pump when the water level in the over head tank goes above the full level.

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  • 4.33 out of 5

    Weather Monitoring Over IOT

    18,000.00 17,000.00
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  • 4.33 out of 5


    12,500.00 9,000.00

    Forest fires have become an environmental concern in recent years .In this proposed system we are continuously monitoring the forest area whether it has caught fire or not. Monitoring the fire detection in forest area has become a vital thing to be undertaken. This can prevent the entire forest from turning into ashes and we can even save the lives of thousands of animals by adopting this system. Thus creating a harmony in the environment. These above reasons are provoking us to take a firm step for the safety of forest and maintaining a balance in the environment.

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  • 4.50 out of 5

    Women Security Using ESP 32

    13,000.00 11,800.00

    Now a days, women and children are facing various issues like sexual assaults. Such violence will definitely have huge impact on the lives of victim. It also affects their health and their psychological balance. These kinds of violence keep on increasing day by day. Even school children are kidnapped and sexually abused. We are living in a society where a nine months old girl child doesn’t have security; the child was kidnapped, raped and then murdered. On witnessing those violations against women, its impulses us to do something for women and children safety.

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