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10,000.00 9,800.00

Ready-made Project

If You Are Short On Time
10,000.00 9,800.00
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Kits DescriptionPrice
Ready-made Project + DIY Project Kit
If You Are An Enthusiast
Ready-made project kit, One more extra bare PCB solderable components for extra PCB, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, and One year warranty. 12,000.00 11,000.00
Ready-made Project
If You Are Short On Time
Ready-made project kit - All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, One year warranty. 10,000.00 9,800.00
DIY Project Kit
For Institutions
DIY KIT - Bare PCB, solderable components, external all components, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, 9,500.00 8,800.00
For Documentation
(Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, Explanatory Video). Audio and video call support. 3,000.00 2,000.00


Nowadays Health-care Environment has developed science and knowledge-based on Wireless-Sensing node technology oriented. Patients are facing a problematic situation of unforeseen demise due to the specific reason of heart problems and attack which is because of the nonexistence of good medical maintenance to patients at the needed time. This is for especially monitoring the old age patients and informing doctors and loved ones. So we are proposing an innovative project to dodge such sudden death rates by using Patient Health Monitoring that uses sensor technology and uses the internet to communicate to loved ones in case of problems. This system uses Temperature, PIR, Ultrasonic, and heartbeat sensors for tracking patient’s health. All these sensors are connected to the Arduino-UNO. To track the patient’s health micro-controller is in turn interfaced to an LCD display and wi-fi connection to send the data to the web-server(wireless sensing node). In case of any abrupt changes in a patient heart-rate or body, a temperature alert is sent about the patient using IoT. This system also shows patients’ temperature and heartbeat tracked live data with timestamps over the Internetwork. Thus Patient health monitoring system based on IoT uses the internet to effectively monitor patient health and helps the user monitoring their loved ones drom work and saves lives.

The remote patient health monitoring system is an IoT device that could be used with patients or elderly at our homes whose real-time health readings such as temperature, pulse rate and could be monitored remotely on a handheld device. This IoT device will automatically send alerts to the users in case of an emergency which in this case would be fluctuation of the readings of the sensors beyond the normal range.


Patient health monitoring over iot is the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year electrical, electronics, core electrical department students is used. This project is core electronicsIOT  based project. This project is use for the electrical students and sensor based project. This projects is ultrasonic sensor, dht 11 sensor,. Pir sensor, based projects

Patient health monitoring over iot. It is a very comparative engineering project and electrical project electronics project. It is a very good BE core electrical final year and diploma final year core electronics based is project for arduino based project idea for the electrical projects is a iot based project.

The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students ‘electronics student final year for the golden opportunity.

Patient health monitoring over iot is an easy project and idea for the electrical for the sensor based degree and diploma and electronics base students & 100% output is done.


  • Helpful project
  • continuous monitoring of patient
  • IOT project
  • Alert system



  • Arduino Uno
  • LCD
  • Pulse sensor
  • Ultrasonic sensor
  • PIR sensor
  • ESP 8266
  • Transformer
  • Bridge rectifier
  • Regulator
  • Buzzer
  • DHT 11 sensor


  • Arduino IDE


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