4.70 out of 5
(10 customer reviews)

$132.22 $115.39

Ready-made Project

If You Are Short On Time
$132.22 $115.39
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This Advance project is designed to monitor the green house using Arduino controller. Various sensors are used to monitor the system. The sensors used are Rain sensor, Soil moisture sensor, DHT 11 sensor, fire detector and LDR. Multiple sensors are used to control various parameters. Continuous monitoring of the green house parameter and their conditions. And further Data will be uploaded over the IOT.

Kits DescriptionPrice
Ready-made Project + DIY Project Kit
If You Are An Enthusiast
Ready-made project kit, One more extra bare PCB solderable components for extra PCB, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, and One year warranty. $156.26 $134.62
Ready-made Project
If You Are Short On Time
Ready-made project kit - All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, One year warranty. $132.22 $115.39
DIY Project Kit
For Institutions
DIY KIT - Bare PCB, solderable components, external all components, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, $116.59 $100.97
For Documentation
(Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, Explanatory Video). Audio and video call support. $36.06 $24.04
For Simulation
Proteus Simulation file, Program Coad, Hex File, Explanatory Video, Google Meet Or Zoom Meet Support. $48.08 $36.06


This project is designed to monitor the green house using Arduino controller. Various sensors are used to monitor the system. The sensors used are Rain sensor, Soil moisture sensor, DHT 11 sensor, fire detector and LDR. When the soil of the green house becomes dry the LCD displays the message that the soil is dry and the pump will turn on through which the water is let into the soil and the soil regains its moisture. When the fire is detected the buzzer starts beeping and the pump will turn on and extinguishes the fire. When the temperature and humidity of the green house increases the fan turns on and brings down the temperature and humidity to normal condition.
Availability of the 3 phase (3 phases available or 3 phase not available) is displayed on the LCD. Light intensity of the green house (low, medium, high) is also displayed on the LCD. Whenever it’s raining it is detected by the rain sensor and the buzzer beeps as an alert system. The readings of the DHT sensor, rain sensor, soil moisture sensor, fire sensor and the condition of the pumps whether “ON” or “OFF” will be uploaded over the IOT page. The collection of data at any instant of time will be available on the page after some time.

(NOTE: Pumps and fan are turned on through their respective relays)



Note= Advanced IOT based green house is project of the last year engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year core electronics department students.

Advanced green houseis the project of good price for the engineering is vary comparative engineering project. The project are sensor based project. For the project is soil sensor based project. It is project for Arduino based project.  To control and monitor the various parameter of the green house. Multiple sensors are used to control various parameters.

The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronics students’ final year for the golden opportunity.

Advanced IOT based green houseis easy project and idea for the electronics degree and diploma base student & 100% output is done.


• Advance Project to control and monitor the Green House.
• Reduce the Direct human intervention into green house.
• Multiple sensors are used to control various parameter.
• Continuous monitoring of the green house parameter and their conditions.
• Data will be uploaded over the IOT.



• Arduino board.
• LCD display.
• Relays.

·       Rectifier

·       Regulator

·       Relay driver ic

·       Ac water pump

·       Foggier spray

·       Buzzer

·       Fire sensor (thermistor)

·       LDR sensor

·       Rain sensor

·       Soil moisture sensor

·       Temperature sensor


• Eagle
• Arduino



Additional information

Weight1.8 kg
Dimensions30 x 30 x 10 cm


  1. 4 out of 5

    Alina oscicadomia

    This is really advanced projects

  2. 4 out of 5

    tanaji more

    very good

  3. 5 out of 5

    Ayden simpson

    The phrase was used in a 1958 The New York Times story advocating “atomic energy” for Europe: “… Western Europe, with its dense population and its high technology ….”[2]Robert Metz used the term in a financial column in 1969: “Arthur H. Collins of Collins Radio] controls a score of high technology patents in variety of fields.”[3] and in a 1971 article used the abbreviated form, “high tech.

  4. 5 out of 5

    Atul Kulkarni

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  5. 4 out of 5

    Swati kulkarni

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  6. 5 out of 5

    Arun Sutar

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  7. 5 out of 5

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  9. 5 out of 5

    Tarun Chandra

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  10. 5 out of 5

    Vikram patil

    Electrosal was very honest with what needed to be done .

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