This project is designed to monitor the green house using Arduino controller. Various sensors are used to monitor the system. The sensors used are Rain sensor, Soil moisture sensor, DHT 11 sensor, fire detector and LDR. When the soil of the green house becomes dry the soil moisture sensor displays the message that the soil is dry and the pump will turn on through which the water is let into the soil and the soil regains its moisture.
When the fire is detected the buzzer starts beeping and the pump will turn on and extinguishes the fire. When the temperature and humidity of the green house increases the fan turns on and brings down the temperature and humidity to normal condition.
Availability of the 3 phase (3 phase available or 3 phase not available), intensity of the light in the green house (high, medium, low) is displayed on the LCD. Whenever it is raining it is detected by the rain sensor and the buzzer beeps as an alert system.
(NOTE: Pumps and fan are turned on through their respective relays)
211-advanced green house
Note= Advanced green house is project of the last year engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year core electronics department students.
Advanced green houseis the project of good price for the engineering is vary comparative engineering project. The project are sensor based project. For the project is soil sensor based project. It is project for Arduino based project. To control and monitor the various parameter of the green house. Multiple sensors are used to control various parameters.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronics students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Advanced green houseis easy project and idea for the electronics degree and diploma base student & 100% output is done.
• Advance Project to control and monitor the various parameters of the Green House.
• Reduce the Direct human intervention into green house.
• Multiple sensors are used to control various parameters.
• LCD is used to display the status of parameters

• Arduino board.
• Lcd display.
• Relays.
• Switches.
• Transformers.
• Wires.
• Eagle
• Arduino
As a 3rd year diploma student, I was very pleased with this project. The package was delivered on time and in complete working condition. The kit consists of all the necessary equipment. I truly recommend this electrosal website to all students who are looking for project ideas.
nutan yadav –
The Documentations clear all my Doubts and also video call support from the electrosal team.
Main –
Very much dedicated , highly skilled team of engineers . Can get the required project at an affordable price in the promised time.
The most important part is after sale service which is very much admirable
Adinat Zunjar –
To be honest team is doing good job , really fast response to clients problems and our project was well completed on time and recived it without any distortion, really appreciate it thank you electosal team