The project is designed to provide uninterrupted AC mains supply i.e., 230 volts to a single-phase load. This is achieved by automatic changeover of the load from the missing phase to the next available phase in a 3 phase system. It is often noticed that power interruption in distribution systems is about 70% for single-phase faults while other two phases are in normal condition. Thus, in any commercial or domestic power supply system where 3 phase is available, it is advisable to have an automatic changeover system for uninterrupted power to critical loads in the event of missing phase. In this system, auto-selection is achieved by using a set of relays interconnected in such a way that if one of the relays feedings to the load remains energized always. Under the phase failure condition, the corresponding step-down transformer secondary delivers zero voltage which is duly rectified to DC and then fed to the logic gates comprising of AND & OR to switch on the next relay that delivers the power to the load. It also has a provision of connecting to an inverter source which delivers uninterrupted power to the load in case all the 3 phases go missing. The project is supplied with three transformers connected to the 3 phases supply. Further the project can be enhanced by incorporating power semiconductor devices such as thyristors/IGBTs for instantaneous changeover to the next available phase. This overcomes the drawback of the changeover time generally witnessed by relay switching operations.
Automatic phase selection using pic microcontroller is the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year electrical, electronics, core electrical department students is used. This project is core electronics based project. This project is use for the electrical students.
Automatic phase selection using pic microcontroller.It is a very comparative engineering project and electrical project electronics project. It is a very good BE core electrical final year and diploma final year core electronics based is project for pic microcontroller based project idea for the electrical projects is a phase selection based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students ‘electronics student final year for the golden opportunity.
Automatic phase selection using pic microcontroller is an easy project and idea for the electrical degree and diploma and electronics base students & 100% output is done.
- It provides a means of switching from one phase of AC mains to another in the case of failure in the existing phase
- It also changes over to generator if there is a failure in all three phases of the AC mains
- The circuit also senses the restoration of any or all the three phases of the mains and changeover without any notice of power outage.
- PIC microcontoller based project

- Transformer
- Bridge rectifier
- Voltage regulator
- Pic microcontroller
- Lcd display
- Relay
- Transistor
- Proteus
- Eagle
Aakash bharma –
Nice customer support .thank for online video call support. thank you Electrosal.
shubham khot –
very nice
Sushila kamate –
very good
Aditya –
I am very happy with the project, the staff members are very friendly and especially the tulasidas salunke sir