The project is designed to minimize penalty for industrial units using automatic power factor correction unit. The micro controller used in this project belongs to 8051 family. In this proposed system, two zero crossing detectors are used for detecting zero crossing of voltage and current.
The time lag between the zero-voltage pulse and zero-current pulse is duly generated by suitable operational amplifier circuits in comparator mode is fed to two interrupt pins of a micro controller. The program takes over to actuate appropriate number of relays from its output to bring shunt capacitors into load circuit to get the power factor till it reaches near unity. The capacitor bank and relays are interfaced to the micro controller using a relay driver. It displays time lag between the current and voltage on an LCD. Furthermore, the project can be enhanced by using relay control to avoid contact pitting often encountered by switching of capacitors due to high in rush current.
is the project for the last year engineering project, BE final year project. This project is use for the last year engineering student. It is the project for the microcontroller base project and zero crossing detector circuit for the detecting for the zero crossing circuit. This project is use for the comparator circuit.
this project is designed to minimize penalty for industrial units using APFC project for the BE final year engineering student
APFC for industrial use to minimize penalty is the project for the last year engineering student for the electrical department use for this project.
This project is use for the electronics engineering student is use for this is use for the power electronics student for the BE final year student.
APFC is the project for the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student. APFC is the project for the competitive project in the BE last year engineering student for electrical, electronics, power electronics student in last year engineering student.
The last year engineering projects, diploma last year, BE last year engineering project give in the project in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. This is the give in the project is best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronics student’s and electrical final year student for the golden opportunity.
Automatic power factor correction using microcontroller it is the project and idea for the electrical, electronics and power electronics last year engineering student
- Microcontroller used in this project belongs to 8051 family.
- The project is designed to minimize penalty for industrial units using automatic power factor correction unit.
- Zero crossing detector concept is used .
- Auto mode and manual mode facility.

8051 series Microcontroller,
Op-amps, LCD,
Shunt Capacitors,
Relay driver IC,
Voltage Regulator
Ramesh Patil, Maharastra(INDIA) –
This is best Electrical project. I ordered this project on website of Electrosal. I got this project only in two days and in good condition. Electrosal team given me a good support. Thanks Electrosal team for your support. Thanks a lot.
Bhushan Jadhav Satara(Maharashtra) –
I bought this project from ELECTROSAL. The Project is very nice.
Anil Vitkar Vijayapura(Karnataka) –
I saw this project video on youtube and desided to purchase this kit. I got this kit in time with in good condition. With the help off eplanatory video I can understand all concepts easily.
Sushma Shah Surat(Gujarat) –
packing for the extra components was not that good and I reported the issue to the Electrosal team. System worked without any issue though, hope they make sure the packing for the next orders will be better.
Jigme Lhaden Thimpu(Bhutan) –
These guys come up with new technology always, keep it up!!!
Subhashini Tate Ponda(Goa) –
Nice Project.
Sham Kshirsagar Mysuru(Karnataka) –
Nice Customer Support. Thanks For Online Video Call Support.
Omkar Patil Karad(Maharashtra) –
I have Order Do it Yourself kit of this project. The project having Oneready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience.
Sonal Kamat Belgaum(Karnataka) –
Yesterday i received AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION USING ARDUINO project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.
Sushant Hawaldar –
Nice service good projects and quality is very nice and technical support is very good . And good documents
Jennifer Bettencourt –
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Yogesh Mail –
I have Order Do it Yourself kit of this project. The project having One ready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience.
Arnav Patil –
I have purchased a project from electrosal hi-tech pvt. ltd. The project was extraordinary. The kit presented in video was excellent.In whole kit, i like the tested pcb board of this project. The kit was most helpful for those people who are looking for good projects.
Aangha Kesarkar –
yesterday i received my ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.
Yash Mahajan –
These guys come up with new technology always, keep it up!!!
Rudra Desai –
Well i got the ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project and i was surprised to see it delivered in such a good condition. I was afraid that sending a delicate circuit in through international shipping may damage it, but their packaging is extremely good.
Godsway (Ghana) –
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Aditya Zunjar (kagal) –
My friend told me of these kind of kits available at and i ordered the FINGERPRINT BASE BIKE START project. the system is just amazing use of technology. Their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.
Varsha ingale –
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The place where you can change your ideas in real working prototypes & machines.
It is one of your project manufacturing small scale industry in the area.
Joyti Chendke (Kagal) –
Had ordered AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION USING ARDUINO project. the kit was as demonstrated in video n the study material provided with the kit was really helpful, a nice learning experience.
Revati Todkar –
Online customer support by the electrosal support team is quite promising. They attended me and solved my doubt each time I made a video call.
Yash Shirole –
The online explanation system for my software project kit was wonderful. I saw it 3 times and once again before my final presentation, gave me detailed knowledge of the opinion mining project I bought.
pravin pawale –
My kit delivery was a day late but no problems since my submissions were late, well I surely learned a lot from this kit it has very detailed explanation documents and videos. Overall a nice experience.
Faizan Jamadar –
The project quality was very good, I like the way they provide all system development videos along with the kit. I had ordered the AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION USING ARDUINO kit & am happy to have ordered from here.. no issues at all
Nhninda (Namibia) –
Very much dedicated , highly skilled team of engineers . Can get the required project at an affordable price in the promised time.
The most important part is after sale service which is very much admirable
Poonam Kaur –
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Professional technical support. Commitment to time and speed of response.
I enjoyed working with them
Rajput Rathore –
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Raj Patil Raj –
The owner of the company has proved that the hard work,sincerety,honesty,patience and belief are the pillers of success and bring the dreams in reality.
Sunil Desai –
It is really a good initiative taken by Electrosal Hi-Tech. Pvt. Ltd. to provide a services in the automation field & also a noble work for providing employment to the womens in rural area.
Avinash Futane –
I am attending internship classess in this company. Good teaching and very well. I have gained very good basic knowledge.