In this project we have designed & fabricated tiller tools driven by electric DC motor. It contains 24 V DC motor connected by battery of appropriate battery set.single wheel mounted between bearings and driven by chain sprocket mechanism at the back side of wheel tilling attachment. 24 volt DC MOTOR IS CONNECTRD TO WHEELS THROUGH BATTERY. AND SPEED CONTOLLWED. Tiller toolis attached at back side. When battery is attached at back side of cart. When power is made on cart moves in forward direction and tiller tills land.
- Clean and Green Energy.
- Adjustable Plough Depth.
- Speed can be controlled with Throttle.
- Easy to handle operate.
- Less Maintenance.

- Frame
- Wheel
- 12 V Batteries
- 24V DC Motor
- Chain-Sprocket
- Plough
- Speed Controller
Umashre kulkarni –
project is very nice and excellent.
Bhagyashre mane –
pranav patil –
They provide practical based knowledge of project electrosal team are very good.