Crane Swing Control Over IOT

Code 580 Crane Swing Control Over IOT

4.67 out of 5
(3 customer reviews)

15,400.00 14,000.00

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15,400.00 14,000.00
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Crane operation is one of the most essential activities on construction sites. However, operating a crane is a sophisticated job that requires the operator to have extensive skills and experience, and most importantly a comprehensive understanding of crane motions.

Besides typical crane motions such as boom slew, hoist, and extension, monitoring and controlling the position of the load is extremely important to avoid struck-by accidents caused by crane load, especially when the load swings as a result of wind and inertia.

Although typical motions can be captured by some existing techniques, a reliable approach to position the load and monitor the load sway remains missing.

This study proposes an orientation-based approach for tracking crane load position and monitoring load sway in daily lifting activities. This approach adopts an omeasuring load orientation, and an efficient algorithm for converting orientation measurements to load positions.

The proposed approach was tested in two load sway scenarios in a controlled lab environment. Test results indicate that the proposed approach correctly converted orientation measurements to accurate load positions and reconstructed the load sway trajectory in both linear and circular sway motions. Enabling continuously monitoring of crane load motion,


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Kits DescriptionPrice
Ready-made Project + DIY Project Kit
If You Are An Enthusiast
Ready-made project kit, One more extra bare PCB solderable components for extra PCB, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, and One year warranty. 16,000.00 15,000.00
Ready-made Project
If You Are Short On Time
Ready-made project kit - All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, One year warranty. 15,400.00 14,000.00
DIY Project Kit
For Institutions
DIY KIT - Bare PCB, solderable components, external all components, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, 14,000.00 13,000.00
For Documentation
(Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, Explanatory Video). Audio call support. 3,000.00 2,000.00
For Simulation
Proteus Simulation file, Program Coad, Hex File, Explanatory Video, Google Meet Or Zoom Meet Support. 4,000.00 3,000.00


Crane operation is one of the most essential activities on construction sites. However, operating a crane is a sophisticated job that requires the operator to have extensive skills and experience, and most importantly a comprehensive understanding of crane motions.

Besides typical crane motions such as boom slew, hoist, and extension, monitoring and controlling the position of the load is extremely important to avoid struck-by accidents caused by crane load, especially when the load swings as a result of wind and inertia.

Although typical motions can be captured by some existing techniques, a reliable approach to position the load and monitor the load sway remains missing.

This study proposes an orientation-based approach for tracking crane load position and monitoring load sway in daily lifting activities. This approach adopts a measuring load orientation and an efficient algorithm for converting orientation measurements to load positions.

The proposed approach was tested in two load sway scenarios in a controlled lab environment. Test results indicate that the proposed approach correctly converted orientation measurements to accurate load positions and reconstructed the load sway trajectory in both linear and circular sway motions. Enabling continuously monitoring of crane load motion,


NOTE = Crane swing control over iotis the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s core electronics department students. This project is used for the electrical department students. This project isused for the core electrical department students.

Crane swing control over iotis the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project forATMEGA 328P IC based project. This project is sensor based project. This project is ESP 32 Wi-Fi module based projects.

The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for core electronics students’ and electrical final year for the golden opportunity.

Crane swing control over iotis an easy project and idea for the core electronics and electrical base students and 100% output is done. 


The main aim of this project is to study various components of electric overhead cranes and Study various loads and various Testing Techniques.

Load testing and inspection of overhead cranes are required by many safety regulations, national consensus standards, and manufacturers.

It is the purpose of the annual condition inspection to ensure that the overall structural mechanical and electric components of the equipment have been maintained in a safe and serviceable condition and are functioning properly according to the original equipment manufacturer’s specifications.

It is the purpose of the load test to ensure by actual overloading that the equipment is capable of safely lifting and moving the rated load through all designed motions. The inspection and load test does not take into account the duty factor of the equipment.



  • ATMEGA 328P IC
  • LED




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