In this proposed system, we are monitoring the patient’s health by using STM32 CONTROLLER&temperature and heartbeat sensors. Here we are using adapter for power supply even you can use 2amp transformer also. Heartbeat sensors, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module is ESP32, buzzer and LCD display these are also the hardware parts of this projects. By using temperature sensor we can monitor the patient’s temperature. With the help of Pulse sensor we can read the heartbeat respectively.
Once we “ON” or touch the heartbeat sensor it will wait for a response, then whatever heartbeat may read by sensor that will be displayed on LCD. As we can’t read this continuously because the sensor may pressurized the hand of the patient so we are given the delay of 30sec.for demonstration purpose. Even the temperature & heartbeat will be displayed on LCD. This entire data can be uploaded over server through WI-FI module. Depending on the delay the above cycle is repeated.
Patient health monitoring over IOTis the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s Electronics, electrical and Tele. Communication department students. This project is a Electronics project. This project is electronics and Tele. Communication department students. This project is mini project.
Patient health monitoring over IOT is the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project for STM32 CONTROLLER based project. This project is sensor based project as well as temperature based project .
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for Electronics ,electrical and electronics and Tele. Communication students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Patient health monitoring over IOTis an easy project and idea for the electronics ,electrical and Tele . Communication base students and 100% output is done.
- In this proposed system, we are monitoring the patient’s health by using STM32 CONTROLLER& sensors.
- By using temperature sensor we can monitor the patient’s temperature.
- Once we “ON” the heartbeat sensor or detect the pulse then it will wait for a response, then whatever heartbeat may read by sensor that will be displayed on LCD.
As we can’t read this continuously because the sensor may pressurized the hand of the patient so we are given the delay.

- Heartbeat SENSOR
- Temperature sensor
- WI-FI module
- Arduino
- Eagle
pratibha khavare –
I bought this project from ELECTROSAL. The Project is very nice.
Moulik Dabi (gujarat ) –
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Krishana Yadav –
I have purchased a project from electrosal hi-tech pvt. ltd. The project was extraordinary. The kit presented in video was excellent.In whole kit, i like the tested pcb board of this project. The kit was most helpful for those people who are looking for good projects.
pankaj kumar –
Very much dedicated , highly skilled team of engineers . Can get the required project at an affordable price in the promised time.
The most important part is after sale service which is very much admirable
mantesh kumbhar –
very good