The project is designed to develop an automatic rain alert system that switches a siren on or off upon sensing the rain. In some field use of proper method of rain alert system is important. The advantage of using this method is to reduce human intervention.
The project uses comparator board which is receive the input signal of varying rain condition of the soil through a sensing arrangement. Once the comparator receives this signal, it generates an output that drives a relay for operating the siren.
The power supply consists of a step-down transformer 230/12V, which steps down the mains voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a bridge rectifier and it is then regulated to +5V using a voltage regulator 7805, which is required for the operation of the comparator and other components.
Rain sensing alert system for the good price for the school projects. It is very comparative school mini project. It is very good school project. For this project is the competition of the school project
Rain sensing alert system for this project is the comparator based and rain sensor based project for the good project, excellent project for the school student is use for the mini project. This project for the competitive project in the school level of the computation. This project is the comparator based project
Rain sensing alert system is the best projects for the school level student is use and idea for the school students and 100% output is done.
- Design to develop an automatic rain alert system
- comparator is used
- the advantage of using this method is to reduce human intervention

- Comparator
- Siren
- Rain sensor
- Relay
- Transformer
- Eagle
- proteus
Sukun –
I bought this project from Electrosal. This very nice project.
Nitin pandit –
The project was extraordinary. The kit presented in video was excellent. In whole kit i like the tested pcb board of this project the kit was most helpful for those people who are looking for good projects.