The project is designed to develop a four-quadrant operation of the Dc motor remotely controlled by an RF Remote. This system could also be a really sustainable system for controlling the DC motor in four directions like clock-wise, counter-wise, reverse brake, and forward brake. It additionally features high-speed mode and low-speed mode in speed control. The four-quadrant operation of the dc motor is used in many industries where motors are used and as per demand as they’re getting to rotate in clockwise, counter-clockwise and also immediately apply brakes in both of the direction. In case of a specific operation in an industrial environment, the motor must be stopped immediately. In such a scenario, the proposed system is extremely apt as forwarding brake and reverse brake are its integral features. Instant brake in each direction happens as a result of applying a reverse voltage across the running motor for a fast and thus the speed control of the motor getting to be achieved with the PWM pulses generated by the Arduino Uno. The remotely controlled operation of the Arduino controller utilized during this project is achieved by RF operation. This system successively controls the speed of the motor.
RF remote controlled four quadrant dc motor for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good BE final year and Diploma projects. This project electronics departments and electrical students in final year students is use. This project is embedded, microcontroller based and RF remote controlled base project based project for the last year engineering project for the electronics department students is use.
RF remote controlled four quadrant dc motor is the project for the microcontroller basedfor the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student is use for the core electronics student is use and electrical and electronics students is use .This project for the competitive project in the BE last year engineering student for electronicsstudent electrical in last year engineering student in the use. This project is the RF remotesensor based this project
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronicsstudents and electrical final year and core electronics for the golden opportunity.
RF remote controlled four quadrant dc motor it is the best projects for the electronics, final year student is use and idea for the electronics and electrical degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- Four quadrant operation of motor
- The motor is controlled remotely
- RF remote is used to control motor
- microcontroller base project

- 8051 Microcontroller
- Motor
- Switches
- RF module
- motor driver ic l293d
- Keil
- Proteus
- Eagle
Suresh –
Nice customer support thank for online video call support
Ashim chpaul –
My friend told me of these kind of kits available at and i ordered the FINGERPRINT BASE BIKE START project. the system is just amazing use of technology. Their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.