With the increasing world population, the need for health prevention is also increasing. In these recent years, there is a rapid advancement in clinical care due to the technological advancements in the various fields of sensors and ESP 32 controllers for assuring fast recovery of patients in the hospitals. The major and crucial necessity of the hospitalized patients is that each patient to be provided with a better treatment and observation and to be provided the right measure of vital nutrition at the right time. Saline solution is used for the patients to reduce the inflammation in different parts of the body such as lungs, heart, kidney and skin. Among the various treatments, the saline therapy is the most important treatment that numerous patients receive from the hospitals. Whenever a saline is fed to the patients, the patient needs to be persistently administered by a nurse or a care-taker. But unfortunately, there are some circumstances like patient’s blood flow backwards into the saline tubing system. The proposed saline level monitoring and automatic alert system helps to protect the patients in this Covid time and to provide them with safety during saline feeding hours.In this proposed system, we are monitoring the patient’s health by using ESP32 CONTROLLER & IR sensors. Here we are using adapter for power supply even you can use 2amp transformer also. IR sensor Wi-Fi module is ESP32, buzzer and LCD display these are also the hardware parts of this projects. By using temperature sensor we can monitor the patient’s temperature. With the help of Pulse sensor we can read the heartbeat respectively.
Note- add
Saline level detection over IOT is the project of engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the Electronics and Tele. Communication department and electrical department students. This project is a Electronics project. This project is electronics and Tele. Communication department As well as electrical students.
Saline level detection over IOT is the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year mini project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for Electronics and electronics and Tele. Communication students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Saline level detection over IOT an easy project and idea for the electrical and electronics and Tele . Communication base students and 100% output is done.
- Provide cost effective and automatic saline level monitoring and controlling system which can be effortlessly implemented in any hospital.
- Avoid harms caused to patient health because of negligence towards saline completion.
- Overcome the drawbacks and give greater accuracy in manually controlled saline flow rate system.
- Inform the doctor/nurse spontaneously for patient safety

- WI-FI module ESP32
- Arduino
- Eagle
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