As people are getting smarter so are the things. While the thought comes up for Smart cities there is a requirement for Smart waste management. The idea of Smart Dustbin is for the Smart buildings, Colleges, Hospitals and Bus stands. The Smart Dustbin thus thought is an improvement of normal dustbin by elevating it to be smart using sensors and logics. Smart dustbins is a new idea of implementation which makes a normal dustbin smart using ultrasonic sensors for garbage level detection and sending message to the user updating .As soon as the dustbin is full a Smart Solid Waste collecting system. It is a common sight to witness garbage spilled out in and around the dustbins. The area around an improperly maintained dust bins can house disease spreading insects like mosquitoes, flies, bees and driver ants. The environment around a dustbin is also conducive for increasing the pollution level in air. Air pollution due to a dustbin can produce bacteria and virus which can produce life threatening diseases in human beings.
Smart dustbin is the project of a good Price for the electronics engineering project. Core Electronics engineering project, electrical based project it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for arduino based project idea for the core electronics projects.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electronics students ‘and core electronics, electrical student’s final year for the golden opportunity.
Smart dustbin is an easy project and idea for the electronics, electrical core electronics degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done.
- To collect dustbins placed at public places in city.
- Automatic open-close lid for ease of use
- There is no contact touch between dustbin and Person so, prevention from germs and diseases.

- Arduino IDE
- Eagle
- Proteus
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Archana naik –
Excellent concept of project kit” is very use full to every one in their career
Shubhajit Pramanik –
It is best online service where we can purchase documentation. Thank for Electrosla team.