The project is designed to provide a soft and smooth start to a 3 phase induction motor. The three phase induction motor during the initial starting condition draws up much higher current than its capacity and the motor instantly reaches the full speed. This results in a mechanical jerk and high electrical stress on the windings of the motor. Sometimes the windings may get burnt. The induction motor should start smoothly and gradually catch up the speed for a safer operation. This project is designed to give a soft start to the induction motor based on the SCR firing triggered by heavily delayed firing angle during starting and then gradually reducing the delay till it reaches zero voltage triggering. This results in low voltage during start and then gradually to full voltage. Thus the motor starts slowly and then slowly picks up to full speed.
This project consists of a six anti-parallel SCRs, two for each phase, the output of which is connected to a set of lamps representing the coils of a 3 phase induction motor. The charging and discharging of capacitors is interfaced to comparators resulting in delayed firing pulses during start and then gradually reducing the delay till the motor runs at full speed. Output from the comparators is fed through opto-isolators to trigger the SCRs.
Further the project can be enhanced by using IGBTs in place of SCRs with PWM control to reduce harmonic distortions often encountered in SCR triggering mechanism.
Soft start of three phase induction motor is project of the last year engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year engineering department students. This project is last year electrical and core electrical engineering department students.
This project is last year electrical engineering department students. This project is last year core electrical engineering department students.
Soft start of three phase induction motoris the project of a good price for the electrical engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. This project is three phase induction motor based project and idea for electrical projects.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Soft start of three phase induction motoris an easy project and idea for the electrical degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- Soft Start of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Three Phase Supply.
- PWM control to reduce Harmonic Distortions.

- Op-amps as comparators
- Opto-isolators
- Thyristors
- Transistors
- Regulator
- Diodes
- Transformers
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- LEDs
- Lamps
- Eagle
- Proteus
Poonam khot –
Arun Birange –
nice customer support. thanks for online support & good experience from Electrosal
Anurag Shirke –
Delivery given to me was upto the mark and in the estimated time. The product was neatly packed with the additional components. excited and already in love with the product
Faiz Y Pakistan –
I Hired the hanayman conneection to assemble a disk for me the in home free estimate wss convenient and easy jos assembled my desk and went above and beyound i am so happy with the result and next time i have a project that reqaires a carpenter i will ask for him agin jos supper nice effeient and i felt making com fortable wiht him in my home he was very sweet to my two over friendly cast thank you joe for making my life easier
Nishiganda Patil –
I needed a electrical project for final year so I went for this project, the project was well tested also it is in plug and play condition. And it’s impressive as it gives almost accurate results.
Uiysses Grant –
Well i got the ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project and i was surprised to see it delivered in such a good condition. I was afraid that sending a delicate circuit in through international shipping may damage it, but their packaging is extremely good.
Santoshi Hanimnale –
My kit delivery was a day late but no problems since my submissions were late, well I surely learned a lot from this kit it has very detailed explanation documents and videos. Overall a nice experience.
Rekha Sable –
As a 3rd year diploma student, I was very pleased with this project. The package was delivered on time and in complete working condition.thank you Electrosal.
Franklln Pierce –
A great level of detail and understanding from these guys. I come from a power background personally, so I struggled a little with an electronic based project. However, Electrosal made this seamless. Through, easy communication and extremely compotent professionals. Highly recommended thanks.
Sagar Katti –
It was a good experience with u.. the teaching staff’s are too good..they were nice and friendly with us..and got a good knowledge abt arduino and pcb designing
Viraj Nalawade –
Electrosal Hi Tech pvt Ltd is one of the project centre. They provide practical based knowledge of project. Electrosal team are very good and experienced. Thanks electrosal.
Ruta Nayak –
i ordered ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit and it works like magic, I have learned so much from this kit, these guys are too good at electronics.
Rani Madhale –
yesterday i received my ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.