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18,500.00 17,500.00

Ready-made Project

If You Are Short On Time
18,500.00 17,500.00
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Kits DescriptionPrice
Ready-made Project + DIY Project Kit
If You Are An Enthusiast
Ready-made project kit, One more extra bare PCB solderable components for extra PCB, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, and One year warranty. 19,500.00 18,500.00
Ready-made Project
If You Are Short On Time
Ready-made project kit - All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, One year warranty. 18,500.00 17,500.00
DIY Project Kit
For Institutions
DIY KIT - Bare PCB, solderable components, external all components, All documentation (Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, explanatory video ), Audio and video call support, 17,500.00 16,500.00
For Documentation
(Report, PPT, Circuit diagram, Program code, Explanatory Video). Audio and video call support. 3,000.00 2,000.00



The Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy for all the forms of Life on the planet Earth. Solar is the basic source of renewable energy. One can generally assume a reduction of about 40% – 55%, if the panels are not clean properly for 1-2 months. It is the proposed to develop a Solar Panel Cleaning System which remove the dust on the surface on a regular basis and maintain the plant output. This is automatic system using arduino controller which moves automatic on the surface of solar panels and use dry methods for cleaning as rotating cylindrical brush keeping in mind the limited availability of water in areas like deserts where such plants are mainly located. This project aims to reduce the human involvement in the process of solar panel cleaning.

Dust and dirt particles accumulating on Photovoltaic (PV) panels decrease the solar energy reaching the cells and thereby reducing their overall power output. Hence, cleaning the PV panels is a problem of great practical engineering interest in solar PV power generation. In this project the microcontroller based robot is proposed to clean the solar panels. It is found that robotic cleaning process can help to clean PV panel efficiency.



Solar panel cleaning robot is the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s   Electronics, electrical   and Tele. Communication   department students. This project is a Electronics project. This project is electronics and Tele. Communication department students. This project is mini project.


Solar panel cleaning robot is the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project for Arduino   based project. This project is solar based project .

The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for   Electronics ,electrical, mechanical and   electronics and Tele. Communication students’ final year for the golden opportunity.

Solar panel cleaning robot is    an easy project and idea for the   electronics   ,Mechanical ,electrical and Tele . Communication base students and 100% output is done.


  • Robotic cleaning could completely alter the cleaning industry if its adoption inc­re­a­ses, along with the solar industry’s growth in scale.
  • Robotic cleaning pro­vides the additional advantage of re­qui­ring less human intervention, which has been a concern for solar players ow­ing to the potential danger to workers’ lives when doing manual washing.
  • Robotic cleaning offers the fantastic additional feature of enabling real-time performance monitoring via a central management system.



  • Arduino Uno
  • LCD
  • Relay
  • Diode
  • Resister
  • Capacitor
  • Led
  • Dc Motor dreiver
  • Dc motors
  • Water pump
  • Cleaning brash
  • Battery
  • Solar panel


  • Eagle
  • protious


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