In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Dealing with the temperature fluctuations in your living space can be quite a hassle. For those who live in regions where the afternoons can be sweltering hot and the nights chillingly cold, constantly adjusting your wall fan can be annoying. However, with a little bit of DIY ingenuity and the help of some electronic components, you can transform your ordinary electric fan into an automatic one. In this temperature controlled fan project, we’ll guide you through the process of converting your Temperature Controlled Fan using an 8051 microcontroller , LM35 temperature sensor, and a relay. In this project we will be controlling an AC fan based on room temperature, previously we have built many similar projects like a simple automatic temperature controlled fan.
- This project is intended to develop a circuit to control a load automatically with a fixed temperature limit by using a LM35temperature sensor.
- Whenever the temperature increases beyond a certain limit, a lamp is switched off to bring the temperature to a normal value.
- Due to automatic switching on of the fan, this system doesn’t require human involvement for monitoring the temperature of the fan .

- Microcontroller
- Transformer
- ADC 0809
- Fan
- Diode
- LM35
- . Keil
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