Now a days, women and children are facing various issues like sexual assaults. Such violence will definitely have huge impact on the lives of victim. It also affects their health and their psychological balance. These kinds of violence keep on increasing day by day. Even school children are kidnapped and sexually abused. We are living in a society where a nine months old girl child doesn’t have security; the child was kidnapped, raped and then murdered. On witnessing those violations against women, its impulses us to do something for women and children safety. So, in this project we have planned to propose a device which will act as a tool to provide security and ensures the safety of the women and the children. ESP32, GSM and GPS module are used to send notifications and current location of women to various mobile numbers in their contact. In addition, this project will also act as a safety measure which will stun the opposition for few seconds. This project will help us to rescue many women and children from those fiendish in the society.
Women security system using esp 32is the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s core Electronics department students. This project is used for the Electrical department students. This project is used for the electronics department students is use. This project is gsmgps based projects.
Women security system using esp. 32 the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project for core electronics based project. This project is sensor based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for core Electronics, Electrical and electronics student’s final year for the golden opportunity.
Women security system using esp32 is easy project and idea for the core electronics and electrical and electronics base students and 100% output is done.
- The system developed should be integrated with IoT network and cloud computing.
- The objective was to develop a dynamic wireless doorway security system which empowers the user to acquire visitor‟s photo identity and take an informed decision for giving that person access into his/ her premises.
- Also, the data collected by the cloud server could be retrieved if required for some investigation purpose.
- The developed system should be user friendly and feasible.

- ESP32
- Arduino ide
- Eagle
- protious
Shantosh kawale –
electrosal –
The project quality was very good. I had ordered the wired based security system project kit
natasha malage –
the system is just amazing use of technology. Their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.
Basudev Barick –
Awesome projects. Information regarding to project is not satisfactory