Showing 97–112 of 381 results
Dc Motor Rotation In The Clock Wise And Anti Clock Wise Direction Using Rf Remote
$40.87$28.85DC Motors are commonly used in electronics and electrical projects. It may be a line-following robot, a remote-controlled car, electronic shutters and doors, digital locks, drones, and choppers, etc; the DC motors are used in a variety of applications. This project is a simple demonstration of remote controlling a DC motor by switching it on or off and changing the direction of its rotation clockwise or anticlockwise
$40.87$28.85This project is designed to control the speed of a DC motor using PWM control using 555 IC. The speed of the DC motor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals. Hence, if the voltage across the motor terminal is varied, then the speed can also be varied.
$34.86$22.24In this proposed system, the fire is detected using comparator IC. Here we are using comparator IC which is the main part of this project, fire sensor (thermistor) for the detection of fire, AC water pump will ON the foggier, foggier spray and power supply circuitry.
Diesal Generator Body Leakage Current Measurment And Auto Switching Based On Leakage Current
$114.19$100.97The emergency diesel generators in a nuclear power plant have an important safety function-supplying emergency electrical power to maintain cooling and other vital functions. The research reviewed in this article addresses the safety implications of aging of these emergency diesel generators and the influence of aging on their reliability. Historical operational information was assembled on component and system failures and their causes. One significant research result is that the fast-starting and fast-loading test procedure mandated by Regulatory Guide 1.108 and the standard Technical Specifications has contributed to wear and degradation. Other equally important aging and degradation factors for the diesel generators are identified and reviewed. A new approach developed represents a more balanced aging management program that includes (1) slow-start testing during which operating parameters are monitored.
(2) Analysis of data trends,
(3) Training.
(4) Maintenance.
This approach should improve safety by identifying aging degradation that leads to fitture diesel generator failures. Timely maintenance could then prev*ent actualJafiures.
Driver Safety System Using Sensors Like Eye Blink, Alcohol, Temperature, Smoke, Accident Prevention, Using Arduino
$114.19$106.98This aims to create a framework to keep the car safe and secure through critical activity. When we run in ignorance we cannot take care of our own. If we make all vehicles with an automatic safety system that gives the driver a high level of protection, an alarm will also be issued. The device has an installed eye blink sensor. Once the driver has started the engine, the sensors automatically detect the blink of an eye. On this device, the output of the sensor is provided for comparison with ARDUINO. When the value reaches the set level, the buzzer automatically vibrates, the LED glows, and the car stops automatically when the eye blink sensor receives a signal from the transmission module.
Nowadays There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to the drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. Driver in-alertness is an important cause of most accidents related to vehicle crashes. Driver fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation or sleep disorders is an important factor in the increasing number of accidents on today’s roads. A drowsy driver warning system can form the basis of the system to possibly reduce the accidents related to driver drowsiness. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. To prevent this, we outlined a very simple and economical system that deals with this issue. In this project, when a driver falls asleep, an alarm is raised to warn the driver attached to the rear of the vehicle. The alarm continues for a minimum of 10 seconds so that the driver wakes and gets ready to steady the vehicle he drives. Thus we can control major accidents.
There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. Temperature sensors and smoke sensors are used for further safety systems in the vehicle.